Watauga Women in Leadership 


The mission of Watauga Women in Leadership (WWIL) is to empower High Country women in business and leadership in all stages of their careers. The organization presents events that support women through networking and educational speakers. We hope to enable and grow business, support and mentoring opportunities among professional women in the High Country.



The Watauga Women in Leadership host several events a year, including:

  • Multiple Coffee Connections - Short, morning programs that allow participants to network and share educational experiences. 
  • An annual Watauga Women in Leadership Gala in the fall with a rotating topic or theme. Information about the previous year's gala, Evergreen Voices, can be found here.

In addition, Watauga Women in Leadership enjoys supporting events sponsored by other organizations that serve and support the women of the High Country.


Enhanced Organizational Information

Chamber Members: You will automatically receive the benefit of participating in any of the Watauga Women in Leadership events throughout the year. 

Non-Chamber Members: If you and your company are not currently a member of the Chamber, we have two options for you:

1. Join the Boone Area Chamber of Commerce and receive the benefits of being a part of an organization that builds relationships and strives to help all succeed in this community.

2. If a Chamber membership is not an option for you at this time, but you still want to participate in our Watauga Women in Leadership group, you may do so by paying a $50 annual fee to enjoy the benefits of WWIL.

Please note that while some events will have a cost to attend, we believe your participation in these opportunities will be worth the investment.

Contact Lindsay Cook for more information or call at (828) 264-2225.

Special thanks to our generous event sponsors, Beech Mountain Resort, First Horizon Bank, and Appalachian State’s Walker College of Business for providing us support which allows us to offer events like these to enhance your WWIL experience.