Committees & Community Advocacy Work

DavidCommunity Advocacy Work

Elevate Watauga

Building a better future for Watauga County by advancing the most promising prenatal-to-three policies and programs to create and expand systems of support for families.

Watauga Housing Forum

A diverse group of community members and key agency partners hosting a four-session series.

Session 3 Recap: Affordability

Session 2 recap: accessibility

Session 1 Recap: Safety

Standing Chamber Committees

Business Development 

Meets the 3rd Friday of each month at 9 am in the conference room of Peak Insurance Group.


Meets digitally monthly, dates and times subject availability. Occasionally meets in person.

Government Relations

Meets periodically based on local issues and organizes annual Meet the Candidates forum.

Membership Services

Meets quarterly in person, dates and times subject to availability. Committee also attends New Member Orientation sessions, which are held quarterly at different venues in town.

Watauga Leadership Institute

Meets periodically prior to WLI registrations. Please contact David Jackson for meeting details.

Watauga Women In Leadership

Meets periodically prior to events. Contact Lindsay Cook for more details.

Other Chamber Working Groups

Human Resources Committee

Comprised of human resources and public relations professionals in the local business community. The group meets quarterly to discuss recruitment, relocation, and retention strategies for local businesses. Please contact David Jackson for more information.

One Thing Committee

Comprised of local business, community, and University leaders that have the goal of connecting resources toward completing community projects. Please contact Chuck Eyler for more information.