UNC Health Appalachian

336 Deerfield Rd Boone, NC 28607


Summit Member

Member Since: 1975

Photo of UNC Health Appalachian

Organization Overview

UNC Health Appalachian (UNCHA), the healthcare leader in the High Country, is comprised of three hospitals - Charles A. Cannon, Jr. Memorial Hospital and Appalachian Regional Behavioral Healthcare in Linville and Watauga Medical Center in Boone, a physician practice management group - Appalachian Regional Medical Associates (ARMA), with medical practices serving Watauga, Avery and Ashe counties, and Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation. In addition to acute and emergency care provided at the hospitals, the healthcare system is home to specific centers focusing on the following disciplines: Cancer, Cardiology, Sleep Disorders, Rehabilitation, Wound Care, and Breast Health. UNC Health Appalachian is committed to promoting health in the High Country, enhancing quality of life and simply "making like better".
Photo of UNC Health Appalachian


Audrey Gurkin

Alysia Price

Sr. Director of People Services

Brandon Sullivan

Caitlin Zirkle

Celia Pennington

Digital Marketing Specialist

Charles Jensen

Emily Roberts

Iliana Granados

Jessica Palmer

Jimmy Phillips

System Director - Sleep Services

Lyndsi Richardson

Madi Zaidel Cameron

Nathan Nipper

Areas of Expertise