Friday Forum: Town of Boone & AppHealthCare Staff

Friday, May 29, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:15 AM (EDT)
Zoom credentials will be emailed upon completion of registration.
147 Seats Remaining
147 Seats Remaining

Friday Forum with Town of Boone & AppHealthCare

The Town of Boone's amended State of Emergency Declaration goes into effect Tuesday, June 2nd. Hear from Town of Boone and AppHealthCare staff about how businesses can best implement these regulations, how to address an employee that presents with COVID-19 symptoms, communication of key messages to employees and customers, and enforcement expectations. A copy of the amended State of Emergency Declaration is available by clicking here.


Andy LeBeau, Interim Police Chief, Town of Boone

John Ward, Town of Boone Manager

Melissa Bracey, Director of Communications & Compliance, AppHealthCare

Jennifer Greene, Director of Public Health, AppHealthCare

Monica McKinney, Environmental Health Program Specialist, AppHealthCare

*Submit your questions for the panelist ahead of time by emailing

147 Seats Remaining
147 Seats Remaining

For More Information:

David Jackson

David Jackson

President/CEO, Boone Area Chamber of Commerce